Have you ever wondered why you attract who you attract? Or why you’re attracted to who you’re attracted to? & not just in the physical sense. I’m talking the entirety of the person. Like really analyzed why certain people peak your interest and others don’t? Continue Reading
When life doesn’t go as planned, my darling trust the reroute. Trust that at times the plans we have may not be the plan HE has for our life & that of our future. Continue Reading
So you go out for drinks with the girls and BAM. A guy comes out of left field who’s been apparently watching you the whole night. He finally gets up the nerve to strike up conversation. He’s doing the usual spiel guys do when they’re trying to get you talking. With the ultimate goal being to score your number. You give it to him because you’re just as interested.
Then a few days go by and something’s different. Or even after a few weeks, you notice a change.
A few tell tale signs begin to make you realize that you may be more into him than he’s into you.
Thursday morning started like any other work morning. So excuse me if being a part of a road rage incident did not seem likely to me at the time. I mean if someone told me that I’d have a woman practically chasing me down the street and reaching for something in her back seat… I would have laughed and said “please, at 6AM. No way.”
I’ve had a tough day,
and will have an even longer night.
Constantly thinking about all the ways,
today didn’t go right. Continue Reading