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Poetry Pieces

Life Lesson

life lesson

Life lesson number #1.

My mom said always save your money, you never know when you could end up broke.

As a child I thought that was silly, how could money disappear on its own? Continue Reading

Poetry Pieces


choose myself

I should choose myself sometimes.

I don’t mean in the way you choose girls night over staying in. Or ramen over takeout. I mean like really choosing yourself in a way that makes a significant impact in your life. Putting your needs above everybody else’s. Continue Reading



Go to War With Your Demons

I don’t care what anyone says. We all have demons. Not in the spiritual sense that questions the strength of your faith or the amount of Christianity you possess. No, not that kind. I’m talking about the figurative demons that represent other things in your life. The demons that act as the face of: insecurity, depression, anger issues, severe anxiety, lack of self love, jealousy, and a number of other things. Whether they rear its ugly head every now and then. Or are increasingly present in your day to day life. The truth of the matter is if we’re not careful those same demons will lead to our ultimate downfall. Continue Reading



to-do list

I’ve always been a to-do list kind of girl. The one who has to plan out her day to day activities in order to get anything done. If not, my day is a disaster and the level of productivity I experience can only be described as nonexistent. However, there’s more to a to-do list than just making one. Sticking to one to produce adequate productivity is the real challenge. Not to fret though. In today’s post I’m sharing tips on how to create your dream to-do list that is sure to take your level of productivity to new heights. Keep reading for more babes. Continue Reading



Alone time is growth time

Alone time is growth time.

To be honest, if someone told me years and years ago that I’d be sharing the importance of alone time on my blog, I’d burst into a fit of hysterics. I’d grown up uncomfortable with the idea of being alone. So much so, to me solitude signaled loneliness, lack of friends, and just being considered “different” or “weird”. It was a space where facing myself seemed like the wrong thing to do because drowning out my thoughts in the company of others seemed so much easier.

I’m not exactly sure when my perspective changed, but it did and boy am I thankful for it.

I guess I just grew tf up and finally came to terms with the notion that alone time is growth time. When you reach your 20’s you feel this overwhelming need to reform. Even if you don’t know what needs to be reformed, you crave the process of reformation. You just wake up one day and want a makeover, both internally and externally. Deciding that you would rather go through the ugliness that process may bring because no good growth results in coming out unscathed to some degree. The process is meant to burn in a way that makes change, hell growth lasting. This is possible when your willingness to be introspective trumps your discomfort with being alone.

Introspection = alone time, which results in growth time.

As I’ve continued to grow in age, I’m also growing in understanding because I’m realizing the above sentiments now more than ever. Alone time doesn’t have to be this dark place that everyone has manufactured it to be. It doesn’t even have to be a place or space that is hard to sit in. Alone time should be seen as a time to look into yourself and examine the things that make you… you. Some of those things may be positive attributes that push you towards being the best version of yourself. While a small few may be blocking you from reaching your greatest potential.

In my experience, recognizing both the good and the bad can only be done through self-reflection.

However, I refuse to minimize how challenging solitude can be initially. Especially if you’re someone who has previously found comfort in the hustle and bustle of the lives around you.

It will be hard at first adjusting to how deafening the silence can be.

You will struggle at first to understand what your inner thoughts are trying to tell you.

Trying to hide from yourself at first will seem easier than facing the possibility of growth.

But damn will it feel great when you come out the other side.


To your alone time being the greatest form of growth you’ll ever be privy to,
