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Poetry Pieces

The Path Between Us

path between us
The Path Between Us, was inspired by a book I read this morning about a soldier coming home permanently and his wife attempting to come to terms with the things he’s seen and done. All the while trying to reach him through it all. Told from her perspective.

There’s this massive path between us that prevents me from getting close enough to you,

It’s almost as if the road block will never be lifted or the obstacle won’t ever move. Continue Reading



relationship goals

If you asked me a month ago about what couples were relationship goals, whew. I’d have listed off too many. Though these days I’m singing a totally different tune when it comes to relationships. They’re just never what they seem to be y’all. I think I’ve always known that, but I became more sure of that recently. There are so many things left to the imagination. I’m talking things you will never know about someone else’s life with another person. Things you aren’t meant to know to be honest. So to pit your own relationship or the one you hope to have on the basis of another is honestly a bit wild and mostly unrealistic.

How can you desire a relationship that you have no idea the ins and outs of..? How can someone else’s relationship be your relationship goals? Continue Reading



text messages

Have you ever felt like text messages and texting someone you’re interested in is a lot like playing chess with Bobby Fisher (American chess grandmaster)? The funny thing about texting is that men always get the bad rep. They’re always considered the horrible texters. I can’t tell you how many times my girlfriends and I have roasted a guy for his lack of texting abilities. Like seriously, why would he even text that? Us ladies are so damn quick to shit talk guys when it comes to texting, but what about us? Couldn’t the same be said about us women? The answer is yes, it absolutely could. So keep reading as I explore the opinions I received from a multitude of guys I polled as I share text messages men absolutely hate receiving. Continue Reading