Let’s hear it for the almost relationships. The ones that seemed like they could turn into something magical. That we were sure if able to survive the treacherous dating phase, would surely set our love life on fire. The ones with individuals that we believed (even for the slightest of seconds) could have been our forever.
Relationship Advice
Since the day I was born, my parents have always drummed in my head the importance of first impressions. I guess there was always this unspoken rule that the way you meet someone is how they’ll remember you. I’d always believed that to be true, until something changed my mind recently. Which in turn made me realize, why first impressions aren’t as crucial as they used to be.
Let’s take a second, first & foremost to reflect on your possible situationship or relationship.
You’ve been dating someone and y’all have been going through the motions. Y’all continue to get a better understanding of each other on all fronts as you guys have: dinner dates, movies, sleepovers, and so forth.
As time has seemed to pass you by, you realize that you haven’t really defined what it is you’ve immersed yourself into. I mean it’s been months of spending time with this person and you have no idea where you are with them.
Are y’all in a relationship or have you stumbled into a situationship of sorts? Continue Reading
Have you ever wondered why you attract who you attract? Or why you’re attracted to who you’re attracted to? & not just in the physical sense. I’m talking the entirety of the person. Like really analyzed why certain people peak your interest and others don’t? Continue Reading
When life doesn’t go as planned, my darling trust the reroute. Trust that at times the plans we have may not be the plan HE has for our life & that of our future. Continue Reading