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Poetry Porn

Poetry Pieces


woke up in a mood
Woke up in a mood is inspired by the depression that many go through at times for one reason or the other, but never speak on. The mood that makes getting out of bed so hard. Where disappearing seems easier than facing your demons head on. Today’s poetry piece is for you, for us. You are not alone. This one’s for you. I see you, I hear you. I am you.

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Poetry Pieces

The Path Between Us

path between us
The Path Between Us, was inspired by a book I read this morning about a soldier coming home permanently and his wife attempting to come to terms with the things he’s seen and done. All the while trying to reach him through it all. Told from her perspective.

There’s this massive path between us that prevents me from getting close enough to you,

It’s almost as if the road block will never be lifted or the obstacle won’t ever move. Continue Reading