Today’s blog post is nothing short of a message for us all. A message to rest and recover, so that peace and joy will remain with us always. Continue Reading
Nigerian Fashion Blogger
She tried to make home out of someone who didn’t see her for all that she is,
It broke my heart to know that things turned out as they did. Continue Reading
Hi guys! For those of you who have been with me for some time and those that are new to the site: allow me to introduce/re-introduce myself.
We’re not taught this and we should be. Talking yourself off a ledge that is. We should be taught that when we’re too close to the edge, taking a step back is vital. That we need to save ourselves from the doom that awaits us when we step off the ledge. The pain that will surely be ours if we don’t take a second to think, to breathe. Why aren’t we taught this at an early age? Instead we are taught “survival skills”. I’m talking every possible way to survive when there’s a shortage of food, water, or shelter. But again I ask, why aren’t we being taught how to combat, hell to survive wars within ourselves? Continue Reading
Are you a list kind of girl or guy? I know I am. I mean lists keep me organized, driven, goal oriented, and just plain ole’ together. Our bond (lists and I), has been nothing short of amazing these past few years. So naturally, it stands to reason that I would have the list of lists in luxury item form. Continue Reading