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Being stuck somewhere in any scenario, I believe is the worst place to be. Especially if that place turns out to be your comfort zone. Comfort zones are insidious in that without you even realizing, years could go by without one recognizing where they’ve been stagnant in. Where they’ve been stuck.
Damn you comfort zone.
That you could feel so warm and safe, but not yield any growth. That your comfort zone could caress you in a way that feels like it’s been with you through your hardest days and won’t ever forsake you. Or leave you because it’s where everything you’ve ever known resides. Where the most mundane of tasks don’t feel thrilling, but feel predictable and all knowing. All knowing in that you know where you are and okay with not going. Just being. That the feeling of familiarity doesn’t bring fear, but forces you to face convenience.
How convenient everything tends to feel, how easy.
If you feel this way in any aspect of your life, my friend… you’re stuck in your comfort zone and by golly it’s time to get out.
It’s time to get out and face a fear. Do something that scares you. Do something that might even thrill you, at least once. Maybe then doing so will become something you partake in twice, three times, maybe even a fourth.
I know comfort feels warm, safe even.
It’s time to let the breeze touch your skin though. Let the goosebumps rise. My friend, it’s time to feel the winter chill of inconvenience.
Being stuck somewhere in any scenario is the worst place to be yes. However, being fully aware of it and doing nothing to resolve it?
That’s the most terrifying place to be.
Get uncomfortable.
Comfort zones does not a worldly person make.
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