Poetry Pieces


I want you to know

I want you to know that you get to start over, start fresh and recreate. This is the time like many others, where beginning again is okay.

You don’t have to be tied down to what you were or who others think you should be.

You get to start over, begin again if only you’ll make the conscious effort to do so.

Would you consider making the conscious effort to do so?

Personally, I believe there is beauty to be found in the renewal process. There is something so beautiful about spending the time to start again and refresh.

That’s why I want you to know that it’s okay to not be happy sometimes with who you are. It’s okay to feel like things are in a rut with no possibility of getting out.

Because even in the most unhappiest of times, you’re allowed to begin again.

I’m not blind to the fact that those are the raw parts of life that people don’t like to reveal. Don’t like to share.

I understand that.

But, I want you to know that it’s okay to share those parts of yourself. It’s okay to be broken sometimes. To feel lost. As long as you’re willing to start over and refresh. To begin again, recognizing what hasn’t been working, so you can determine what will.

Taking the time to explore who you are and what you mean to yourself… there is beauty in that. In self-awareness, in self-reflection.

Oh if only you knew how beautiful it can be to face your insecurities, your demons.

I want you to know that if you’re in a place or a season where it feels like everyone is working against you. As if everyone is out to get you. God’s working for your greater good.

He’s never against you, but working overtime for your greater good no matter what it may look like.

You may be in a place where depression has taken over.

Or where anger seems comforting even.

Where there seems to be no way out.

But I really want you to know that you’re not alone.

I want you to know that someone cares for you, someone loves you, someone needs you. There are times where those sentiments won’t manifest itself in physical form, but it’s there.

You don’t always have to see it, to know it. To feel it.

Would it be so bad to try then and start again in life? To begin again and recreate.

You owe it to yourself to choose you in a way that you feel no one ever has.

So I challenge you to do so.

As today marks the start of a new week, and a few days shy of the start of a new month..

I want you to know, it’s okay to start over. So might you consider challenging yourself to do so?

I can only hope that when you do, you’ll find that the beauty in doing so is far more appealing that the decision not to.


p.s. new content posted on With Love, Thelms every Mon, Weds, & Friday for your viewing pleasure. xx

I want you to know



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