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We’ve all been there before… in a place of insecurity that is. Wanting to be whoever we feel like we aren’t. Smaller boobs, bigger knockers. Tiny waist, big behind. Smaller nose, puckered lips. Bushier brows, thick lashes.
Being a woman is hard.
I don’t know a single woman that is 100% pleased with everything that makes them… well them.
& if you know a woman who claims to be, she’s not being 100% honest.
As women there’s something in us that can find the tiniest of flaws (mountains into molehills and all) and run a rat race our minds struggle to keep up with.
But why should we let the insecurities we face as women run the show? What on earth has us thinking that perfection would be the resolve to the rat race we fight within our minds?
Such questions are why today’s post explores ways to combat the insecurities we face as women.
It seems so cliche to say, but it’s so freaking true. Focus on the things you love about yourself. Whether it be your cute button nose, perfectly straight teeth (brought on by years of braces), tiny feet — whatever it is. Just as easy as we’ve made it seem to find our flaws, we need to make finding the characteristics we love that God blessed us with just as easy. If not easier.
This is probably the toughest advice to follow, but the most vital. As women, we’ve got to get to a point where we are okay with who we are & where we are. Focusing on another’s seemingly continuous advancement, only ever takes away from our own. For instance, here’s my truth. I have huge boobs that I used to go from hating and loving every other week, but you know what — I’ve become more accepting of them than I’ve ever been in my entire life. My breasts are my breasts. One day, God willing they will feed my children and they will be a constant source of enjoyment for my husband. Those sentiments are what you call acceptance. I wish that on all of you all ways, always.
Surround yourself with people who make loving on you and themselves a constant. There’s something to be said about the company you keep. Our parents drilled that in most of our heads because bad company could cause you to go down the wrong path. I’m not sure they accounted for how bad company could affect you when it comes to self esteem/insecurities. I’ve seen how people who do their best to appreciate the vessel that is their body can rub off on those around them in a positive manner. It’s the girlfriends who pick themselves up that can be a positive reinforcement in your own life for me.
I have found that there is so much love, patience, and understanding when I prioritize my own needs. Whether that looks like a self care day for me (getting a wax, nails, eyebrows, and hair done) or staying in bed watching YouTube videos all day. I feel at peace within myself and with that comes the ability to combat insecurities that may lie just underneath the surface. Sometimes we just need to slow down and be with ourselves. Do things to treat ourselves and make the most of days spent doing things that we as a person enjoy. If you know you don’t usually get the opportunity to get a massage, let this be your sign to do so. If life and the needs of others usually come first, let this be your sign to pick you and you alone on your next off day. I have found that when I prioritize my needs and focus on involving myself in things I love, I can put my insecurities to the back burner.
This is relevant for a ton of insecurities we as women face. Some of us want to be thicker, while others desperately want to appear as slim & fit as possible. It’s time we stop complaining and change. If we want something bad enough, we’ll do what it takes (within appropriate means) to get it. Many of us are regular babes who aren’t privy to BBLs and so forth — so if you want the banging body, you’re going to have to work for it. If you want the perky butt, you’re going to have to get your ass in somebody’s gym. I’m preaching to y’all, but most importantly I’m preaching to my damn self lol. Instead of complaining about what we dislike in ourselves related to body image and letting those insecurities take us on a mental roller coaster — we’ve got to make some changes.
Insecurities are designed to make us question ourselves and how we move forward. Hey, it’s the truth. However they are not meant to keep us down. We’re supposed to keep moving forward and not let the insecurities we face as women be our down fall. So you have to get to a point where you say enough is enough. YOUR INSECURITIES ARE NOT NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS. THEY ARE YOURS & YOU’VE GOT TO START OWNING IT AND WEARING WITH PRIDE.
To not letting the insecurities that shape us, make us.
With Love,
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