Food Health

Cleanse From Inside To Out


Ready to cleanse? At times the start of having a bad day or ending the day on a bad note has a lot to do with what’s going on within our body. At times we don’t realize how much fuel and purity our body needs to maintain in order to function properly. In most cases a good cleanse is all you need. I’m all about facials, massages, and yoga that are meant to help us feel cleansed after doing them.

However, I personally believe that it truly starts from within. We can relax and say Namaste a million times, but if we aren’t reviving ourselves each day from within; what good are we doing? My mom’s a big juicer and I never understood the true benefits, until she started. I visited whole foods a few weeks back which by the way has quickly become one of my fave places to shop for… almost EVERYTHING. Whole Foods is just so amazing. They have a natural product for any and every product you could possibly desire. I can’t describe the sensation I feel when I walk inside. Sensation? Come on Thelma, too weird. Anyway. I was really intrigued by all the veggie juice cleanses they had laid out. When looking for which company, cleanse, and veggies to go with the staff at Whole Foods were very helpful.

Cleanse, From Inside to Out

I ultimately decided to go with the Suja brand of fruit and veggie juice. More specifically, I went for the one that is supposed to “Purify” everything from the inside out. I have to say that I think this drink is pretty awesome. My mom literally used to make these at home from scratch (all her own, from her garden) because she’s super woman. However, for this purpose I opted out of doing that and instead bought ready-made beverages. I think the taste might be something that some will have to get used to, but I think it’s BOMB. I did feel like it gave me more energy. After drinking if for a week I noticed that my skin cleared up tremendously. It contains celery, apple, carrot, cucumber, beet, and lemon which are all great agents to combat bad skin. Outside of helping the skin, it is really great for the entire body. This drink in addition to tons of water made a huge difference within me. As cliché as this may sound, I did find myself more positive, upbeat, and ready to tackle Mondays (also the week throughout). If you’re looking to snag it up, the beverage retails for roughly $5 or so! Leave me some comments below on how you cleanse from within. Would love to try out some new things. Happy cleansing!

Cleanse, Inside to Out



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