I’ve always had a thing for handbags and purses. The idea of holding onto something that could say so much about myself and my outfit meant a great deal at an early age. Now, in my early twenties it’s safe to say I’m bag crazy. Every time I go shopping, I’m constantly on the hunt for different and timeless bags whether I’m aware of it or not. Chic bags for less is the goal! The key is to shop for bags that aren’t just trendy, but will stand the test of time. You have to know what you’re on the hunt for! What’s the method to my madness? S.V.S. simple and plain.
S. V. S stands for STYLE. VIBE. STRUCTURE. Here are a few reasons why I consider these three things when shopping for a new handbag:
Everyone has their own style or taste, but I usually opt for something that has a simplicity to it without being basic. I prefer my bags to be stylish and resemble some of the heavy hitter designers we see celebrities rocking all the time. I find bags with style pretty easily here & here! Oh and here! Don’t worry, they’re affordable!
When purchasing a new bag, I feel like it should speak to you from the display. It should pull and tug at your inner fashionista. Literally awakening all kinds of “Yassss, that’s THE bag” vibes from within you. If the bag you walk out of the store with doesn’t make you feel that way, run back in the store. Seriously, RUN. BACK. Returning items from certain stores can be a pain in the ass.
Shape, shape, shape it up! Structure is a big thing for me. When looking for a new bag, if the structure is not right but everything else is — let’s just say it’s a deal breaker. I believe that bags with structure look more expensive, durable, and superior than bags without it. Sure, I have bags without structure, but it’s not my first choice. There’s a refinement structure brings to the bag, boosting the quality tremendously. Experience has taught me that the more structure a bag has, the increased amount of wear you can get out of it. My favorite places to shop for bags with quality structure are here & here! Oh & here!
Basically, shopping with chic bags for less in mind doesn’t have to be hard. If you know what you’re shopping for and what you don’t want it can be as easy as swiping free samples from the food court at the mall. The next time you go shopping for a new handbag, try out my method and tell me if it worked out for you! Any crazed bag people? If so, what are some tricks you have to make shopping for quality affordable handbags a breeze? Tell me about it in the comments below.
xx Thelms
October 2, 2016 at 1:15 pmGreat post, love your photos too!
Much love,
October 2, 2016 at 10:58 pmThanks doll! I so appreciate it. Love your content as well. 🙂