


If you’ve been keeping up with me on my social channels this weekend, you know that I started doing pilates. & can I just say that it has been AMAZING. It’s actually something that I’ve been interested in doing for a few years. Now that I have graduated, my life after graduation consists of making intentional efforts to take care of myself in all facets. SO, when the opportunity to join a Pilates gym presented itself — I finally got up the courage and went for it. I mean what better way to take care of yourself than starting with your own health?

However, prior to going I did a deep dive on all things Pilates. I’m sort of a planner if my last post didn’t clue you in and really like to know the ins and outs of anything I plan on getting involved in. In the days leading up to my first class, so many of my questions were answered as I dove deeper and deeper into the world that is Pilates. With all the knowledge I’ve gained, today’s post is all about Pilates: What It is, The Benefits, and my personal experience.

So let’s jump right into it all.


Webster describes Pilates as,

:(noun), an exercise regimen that is typically performed on a floor mat or with the use of specialized apparatus. It aims to improve flexibility and stability by strengthening the muscles, especially the torso-stabilizing muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

As for me, I’d define it as a workout that uses a machine to intensify movement to strengthen major muscles in the body and increase the likelihood of developing a lean banging ass body LOL.


Pilates does a hell of a job to strengthen and define muscles, you probably didn’t think existed. This is possible because of the resistance the machine provides, requiring your body to work a little harder than it normally would. Naturally, such movements would eventually result in a lean muscular body without the bulkiness to go with it. It also is really great at improving your posture! I’m not sure if it’s because the way your muscles are stretched out constantly. OR that it’s the control over your body required to carry out the movements. In any case, due to the strengthening of your lower back and abdomen you’re less likely to slouch or mess up your back while engaging in this form of exercise. Did I mention that it helps improve flexibility?! This is great for decreasing the strain on different muscle groups and a few other things 😉 if your mind went there… good LOL.


My experience was amazing. If you’re in Houston, I would highly suggest Method Pilates! They are the perfect Pilates studio that will aid in making your transition into it that much more rewarding. Initially, I was nervous because duh. I’d never done Pilates before, but once I got the groove of things it was only up from there. The instructor guides you through the routines and pushes you in a way that’s more motivating than it is intimidating. However, I won’t lie to you babes and say it was easy peasy, because it wasn’t. To be honest, I’m not sure it’ll ever be but isn’t that the beauty of a challenge? It was challenging yes, but not impossible. There were a few times where I thought to myself “shit this is hard”, but never once did I think about throwing in the towel. I guess that’s the difference for me between cardio and this. Cardio almost ALWAYS makes me want to give up. Anyone who’s been to the gym with me knows this… all too well. But Pilates? There’s something about the fact that’s it’s a stationary activity that settles my wayward legs LOL.

Though seemingly obnoxious in length, I hope this post gave you a lot more insight on Pilates! If you’re interested in going, there are a few items that you should have & I will list them below:

Grip socks (can find these on Amazon! It’s where I got mine from)



P.S. I would suggest wearing something light because you will work up a sweat during the workout!

I’m now off to get my day started and run around the city as my errands always require me to do (eye roll).

Laters babes,









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