

You guys! Happy Wednesday and happy almost Thanksgiving lol. After the most wonderful conversation with one of my girlfriends yesterday — I thought it so necessary to reflect on what I’m thankful for today and all days.


I’m so thankful for my family. For their continued overall health and prosperity. That we are continuing to grow and evolve as family is such a beautiful thing. I get emotional when I really sit back and think about how much I love my family. I’m so thankful that I was raised by parents who played such a significant role in where I am today. I’m thankful for my siblings, though different continue to aim for growth and success in their own respective fields. It’s something I reflect on daily, but would be remiss to not mention especially with Thanksgiving around the corner. Le sigh, I’m so thankful for them.


I was having the most amazing conversation with a friend yesterday. Catching up and shooting the shits, ya know? I was able to reflect on what I do for a living with her which was so nice. Often times, I don’t get asked about my job believe it or not. I mean people that I know who work in the field ask and we share stories, BUT. Those I know who don’t work in my field, rarely ever ask in depth questions about my job — so I don’t really get to chat about it often. I was so appreciative of getting to share the recent highs and some past lows with her. It then allowed me the opportunity to reflect on what I do for a living (I’m a nurse by the way, if you didn’t know lol). I’m so thankful to be a nurse and privy to the opportunities for growth/advancement. I’m so thankful to be able to impact the lives of other in a meaningful way. I freaking love my job y’all.


Whew. If I could put extra emphasis on this, I would because wow. I’m so thankful for my experiences, albeit good or bad. They continue to shape and mold me into the person I’m meant to be. I mean hey. Are there experiences that may have been traumatic for me? Life changing even? Sure. Nevertheless, through those experiences — I see the beauty in them and honestly you should too. There’s so much beauty in experiences that are meant to leave us changed. One can only hope and believe through Christ’s decree that such experiences are for our overall betterment.

MY VESSEL (mind, body, soul):

I’m so thankful for my being. She continues to fight the good fight by God’s Grace despite the things she may encounter in this world. My mind is healthy and strong. I’m in good health. My spirit is content… I’m so grateful for the vessel that is my mind, body, and soul. The vessel that allows me to write, to care for others, to love, to be vulnerable; to feel it all. It’s not by my own might and being aware of that makes me thankful beyond belief.


I’m thankful for the people in my life who love me unconditionally and support me. Who make me laugh till I’m blue in the face or give me the reality checks necessary to bring me back… to well reality. The ones that make me laugh when all I want to do is cry. Oh yeah, I can’t forget the ones that see me exactly the way I would hope to be seen. The ones that encourage me, root for me, weep with me… you know who you are and I’m thankful to have each of you in my life.

side note: all friends NOT pictured, but you ALL know who you are & what you mean to me.

I hope this blog post finds you well and you spend time with people you love tomorrow.

Happy Holidays baby loves.

With Love,




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