

Hi babes! Ever since getting re-inspired in relation to the blog, I legit can’t stay away. Like so much so, I literally want to post new content coooonstantly. That’s a good thing right?

BUT restraint lol. Def don’t want to bombard you babes with too much content because that is a thing.


In the spirit of being super interactive this summer with you babes, I wanted to write a post for you guys to get to know me a little bit better.

I get a few questions from you babes about my makeup (I’ll be doing a tutorial super soon per you babes requests, so stay on the lookout for that), hair, and just general things about me. I figured the best way to address the questions about me would be to do a ‘get to know me’ post. So wahla!

To learn 15 things about me read on.

about meabout me

  1. I’m 22 years old. Okay so here’s the thing with my age. Whenever people see me or meet me in person, they sweaaaar I’m younger than I say I am. Literally guys! I’ve even been mistaken for as young as 15 years freaking old which I personally find to be so ridiculous. Buy hey! I guess the positive is that when I’m 35 I’ll look like I’m in my mid twenties? Silver lining.
  2. I hate cats. Hate, hate, hate them. What others believe to be an irrational fear, is oh so real for me. I’ve been afraid of cats for as long as I can remember, having a reoccurring nightmare every now and again of those demons clawing my eyes out. Please don’t be that person who tries to bring a cat around in the hopes that I will “get over my fear” because I won’t and we’ll proooobably never hang out again. Lol. No, but I’m serious.
  3. I get obsessed with things easily, and forget them just as easily. With music, with food, with anything really. I will love something soooo much and do it repeatedly, to the point that every time you get in my car I’m playing the same song — then you’ll never hear said song again…. well not for at least 3 or 4 months.
  4. I’m Nigerian and super proud of it. I come from a heritage that holds so much value in color, culture, and creativity.
  5. I’m currently in nursing school! I don’t talk about it much on here, not because I’m embarrassed or anything. Simply because I feel like my blog is a world for fashion, food, lifestyle things ya know? Though I may mention school and how draining it can be at times, I never want it to be the sole focus on here so yeah.
  6. My two FAVORITE things to do: reading and/or watching tv (Scandal, HTGAWM, Shades of Blue, Real Housewives, Queen of the South, Criminal Minds, Blackish,Modern Family, I could go on and on. I legit watch and read everything).
  7. My style icon is a mix of Rihanna, Lily Collins, Zoe Kravitz, & Solange Knowles. I mean how could they not be?! They’re literally everything and a bag of chips to me. In some way or another they exude self confidence and a don’t give a flying fuck attitude about the nonsequential things in life, so naturally it’s my favorite thing about them. Their attitude also transcends to their clothing and I live for it.
  8. I’m sooo scared of rollercoasters. I think being scared of them has a lot to do with my fear of not being on the ground? So I’m afraid of super heights…? I think I might have just diagnosed myself lol. Though I’m afraid of them, it doesn’t stop my best friend from guilting me into riding one every time we’re around them. -.-
  9. I’m a huge fan of tacos/Mexican food, like a huge fan. I never get sick of it and I’m always in the mood for it. If you hate enchiladas, tacos, etc then… you’re reeeeally missing out. I think my love for it also, might be because there’s just no way you can ruin tacos or Mexican food. If it’s possible… don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. They do say ignorance is bliss, and in this case I just might believe they.
  10. I’m an extroverted introvert. I know society makes you feel like you have to be one or the other, but I’m both. I’m super outgoing and love people, but at the same time I have to recharge. I need moments to myself where I can be alone, gather my thoughts, and be in complete solitude. It’s just the way I role. Sometimes, if they’re around me enough in a one day period — people get confused by sudden lack of interest in what’s in front of me, or who’s in front of me. Please don’t take it personal. It’s most likely due to either having too little or no time at all to recharge. Once I’m back on 100% charge, I’m back to the outgoing Thelma you’ve gotten to know and love.
  11. I don’t drink milk. Well, wait. That’s a bold statement. Let me rephrase that. I don’t drink milk often, but if and when I do it’s evaporated. I know, I know. How can I drink something that’s so concentrated and sweet?! I don’t know, it taste really yummy to me and I guess I don’t drink it enough to have any lasting negative effects on me.
  12. My phone doesn’t have a single game downloaded on it. Honestly, not trying to sound like a jerk for all the people who do — but I just honestly don’t have time to play games on my phone. Or rather, I feel like there’s better things I could do with my time than play candy crush. Also, the space on an iPhone no matter how many GBs you have runs out sooo dang on fast. I’d rather things like editing, book snippets, and study guide apps take up space on my phone instead.
  13. My all time favorite movie is, “The Notebook.” It’s something that still makes me cry and pulls at my heartstrings. I mean it’s literally the reason I became a loyal Rachel McAdams fan and believer (I’ve seen eeeevery single movie she’s starred in and I mean
  14. I’m a huge birthday fanatic. To me it’s a time to celebrate one’s life and be extra merry. I’ll be right there with you cheesing because I want you to know and feel how important your day is to me. So if you’re a friend of mine, your birthday is a big deal. Naturally, my own birthday is a super big deal to me as well! I just think it’s important to feel special on this day that only comes around once a year, and make others around you feel special on their day too.
  15. I wear fake lashes pretty much everyday. Ever since a friend of mine from high school put me on in high school, I legit can’t stay away from them. I’m a strong believer that any babe can conquer the world with a good pair of falsies. I always get asked where I get mine done at, but I don’t! I actually make my lashes myself and put them on. I’m not a huge fan of getting it done because I hate not being able to take it off when I want.

I hope you babes have loved getting to know just the most basics things about me, and you guys stick around so we can get to know each other even better.

to staying thick as thieves (raises my glass of wine and cheers myself),

Thelms xx

I’m wearing: Forever 21 graphic tee (linked similar), Pacsun denim, & Forever 21 block heels (linked similar) .


Photos by Julia Elizabeth


Based in Southeast Texas, “WITH LOVE, Thelms” shares my lifestyle choices related to food, health, beauty, & style with love.

View Comments

  • Loved this post! Love this idea! Think I might have to do one over on my blog soon. I also get mistaken for being a lot younger than I am and I see that we love a lot of the same shows.

    • Awh thanks girly! You totally should, I think it's a great way for peeps to get to know you! Yes though, love those tv shows. Watch party lol!!:)

  • Numbers 3,6,7,9 and 10 are totally me too!! Nice to meet another extroverted introvert!😄😄 I'm loving your blog! I'm so glad that I found it! I can't wait for that makeup tutorial because yours is literally on fleek!

    • Awh so cool that we have so many things in common Alexandra!! Thanks babe, means a lot. <3 So glad you found wittle ole me as well. Tutorial coming soooon ;)

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